South Stoke Historical Society
SSHS's next meeting is on 3 March at 7.30opm. Ian Keable will be talking about The Century of Deception: Birth of the Hoax in the 18th Century. The 1700s was a period when the people of England seemed to be especially gullible. They believed a women could give birth to rabbits, and a man could climb inside a two-pint bottle and sing inside it. These hoaxes weren't just written about extensively in newspapers and journals but also brilliantly and amusingly depicted by satirical artists such as William Hogarth and James Gillray.
You may remember that Ian came to speak to GGLHS last year and had us enthralled with his story of conjuring through the ages, illustrated with contemporary pictures and enlivened by some baffling magic tricks.
Meetings take place in South Stoke Village Hall. Visitors are welcome, £5 per head, to include refreshments.
Reading Museum: Talks on Roman Silchester by Professor Michael Fulford
Saturday 15 March The Origins of Roman Silchester
Saturday 12 April Silchester: Life in the Roman City
Saturday 10 May Silchester: The End of the Roman City
Mike Fulford is Professor of Archaeology at the University of Reading, and he has been excavating this important Roman site south of reading since 1997. The talks aim to raise money for the redevelopment of the Silchester Roman Gallery at the Museum. Ticket price for each lecture is £12, or £30 for all three. The talks start at 11am and are in the Victoria Hall at Reading Museum.
British Modern Military History Society
BMMHS has a programme of talks twice a month, one on Zoom and the other at Woodcote Village Hall. For details please see their website
Didcot Archaeological and Historical Society holds talks, usually on the second Thursday of the month. For details see
South Stoke Historical Society
SSHS's next meeting is on 3 March at 7.30opm. Ian Keable will be talking about The Century of Deception: Birth of the Hoax in the 18th Century. The 1700s was a period when the people of England seemed to be especially gullible. They believed a women could give birth to rabbits, and a man could climb inside a two-pint bottle and sing inside it. These hoaxes weren't just written about extensively in newspapers and journals but also brilliantly and amusingly depicted by satirical artists such as William Hogarth and James Gillray.
You may remember that Ian came to speak to GGLHS last year and had us enthralled with his story of conjuring through the ages, illustrated with contemporary pictures and enlivened by some baffling magic tricks.
Meetings take place in South Stoke Village Hall. Visitors are welcome, £5 per head, to include refreshments.
Reading Museum: Talks on Roman Silchester by Professor Michael Fulford
Saturday 15 March The Origins of Roman Silchester
Saturday 12 April Silchester: Life in the Roman City
Saturday 10 May Silchester: The End of the Roman City
Mike Fulford is Professor of Archaeology at the University of Reading, and he has been excavating this important Roman site south of reading since 1997. The talks aim to raise money for the redevelopment of the Silchester Roman Gallery at the Museum. Ticket price for each lecture is £12, or £30 for all three. The talks start at 11am and are in the Victoria Hall at Reading Museum.
British Modern Military History Society
BMMHS has a programme of talks twice a month, one on Zoom and the other at Woodcote Village Hall. For details please see their website
Didcot Archaeological and Historical Society holds talks, usually on the second Thursday of the month. For details see